Monday, January 01, 2007

Back in the Groove... Again

After a two-plus month hiatus I'm back to blogging. That means more writing, posting photography, and linking. In my time off from blogging the Republicrats lost the House and Senate to the Demopublicans, the Browns won four measly games, there is a new commercial called the LeBrons (I like business-man LeBron), I have better seats for the Cavs games and someone named Saddam got hung while they continue to look in holes for someone named Osama. I guess I didn't miss much.

What was I doing? Mostly working on an expansion at IdeaStar which is completed. But this blog is not about work. What else then? My daughter graduated from Ohio U. That was great. My son Nathan and I took college visit trips to Chicago and western New York (can you guess what outrageously expensive schools we saw?). I also took trips to Santa Fe, Phoenix and the Grand Canyon. Picture posting to come soon.

I also listened to a few audio books on the iPod. My favorite was Manhunt which was about the Lincoln assassination and tracking down John Wilkes Booth. It's an amazing story. Booth was a very well known actor both locally and nationally. It's as if Sean Penn or Brad Pitt shot the President today (please, I'm not suggesting anything).

The other book was Attila the Hun. His name is so well known but I had little idea who he was. He emerged as a giant of a gangster in an era (Middle Ages) which didn't need more gangsters. History doesn't treat him well because he produced nothing of value (no great cities or cultural arts) and left few landmarks or waymarks.

As you can tell I enjoy the historical books. I did a few of the revolutionary war/founding fathers books including His Excellency George Washington, 1776, and my favorite, Alexander Hamilton. My current audio book fav is River of Doubt which is about Theodore Roosevelt's expedition up the Amazon River. He had just lost the presidential election and instead of sitting at home being grumpy he decided to undergo probably the most intense activity a human could do at that time (second only to climbing Mt. Everest). He was nearly killed. Check it out at Audible.

The new things which we can do on the iPod are, books, video, and t.v. shows. I'm now an addict of The Office. Everyone in my clan loves it too and on our trip to Arizona they were borrowing my iPod and Sonic Impact viewer in order to huddle around and watch three seasons of episodes of The Office. Everyone has a favorite character (mine is Stanley, the grumpy one who does crossword puzzles instead of listening to Michael).

O.K. here are my resolutions for 2007 (everyone else is posting them, why not me?). First, I will not try to lose weight. I come up with that every year and nothing happens so maybe it will just happen this time....right? I will try to keep my closet in order (at least be able to see the floor). I will get better at PhotoShop without buying more books on it (this will be accomplished by actually reading the books I have). (Wait! CS3 is coming out...I need new books!) Finally, I resolve to eat out less, cook more at home, and be more patient with my daughter, my mother and my dog (not necessarily in that order).

So that's the latest. Check in weekly for more of my meaningful meanderings and over saturated photographs (I'll get this RAW processing down someday).

Happy New Year,


Copyright 2007 James D. Fisher
All Rights Reserved.


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