I love it when the pictures just come right to you!
This happens every couple of years. It's a nice quiet weekend at home. I'm reading a book or watching Nascar. Mary comes down the stairs and says the balloons are right outside.
I know what that means. They are landing in the cul-de-sac on our street. For once my camera is ready and available. The chase is on!Two hot air balloons from the Blossom Festival are coming down.
It's a community affair. Neighbors from everywhere pour in.
Dropping the baggie.
This hot-air balloon gives a couple more blasts before falling.
Getting it ready for falling. Our house in the background, neighbor Vicki and new baby in the foreground.
Here it goes. Our neighbor Mark, to the left, helps keep it down on the ground.
What's in there? Just a lot of hot air.
A sprint to the front in full pajamas! What a great night.
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Great shots! Love the colors. I miss balloons landing in my front yard :( Did I ever tell you the story of the one that almost landed on me when I was 8? Kinda funny.
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